Bio - Nutrition - Blood Cell Analysis

 Bio - Nutrition - Blood Cell Analysis
Kellie Grillo, HHP CN NMC

Nutrition has always been a passion of Kellie’s. She believes that proper food habits, exercise, and one’s attitude are vital in the journey to optimal health. It is important to nurture your whole body from the inside and out.

There are many pathways to healing and feeling your best. Kellie specializes in blood cell analysis, nutrition, skin and balancing hormones. She uses problem-solving skills to help clients with health issues or if you want to take your nutritional protocol to the next level. 

She has given lifestyle protocols to all ages from infants to the elderly, including many celebrities.

Kellie started her education learning the largest organ of our body, your skin, receiving an Esthetician license. She continued her education and graduated from American College of Health Sciences as a Holistic Health Practitioner. Kellie studied and trained with renowned microbiologist Dr. Robert O. Young and became certified in blood cell analysis. 

Incorporating healthier food choices will change your life.
Eat wise, be healthy!

Live and Dry Blood Cell Analysis

A few drops of capillary blood are obtained from your fingertip using a sterile lancet. The blood drop is placed on a slide covered with a cover slip to protect it from the outside elements. Your blood is then examined immediately under a very high-powered microscope (magnified 20,000 times) and the results are captured on camera, enabling you to view your live blood still interacting and moving around on a computer screen alongside a qualified nutritional microscopist.
You will be able to see the quality of your red blood cells and white blood cells, and whether there is bacteria, yeast, molds, or fungus present. Any uric acid, parasites, vitamin deficiencies, heavy metals, stress, or imbalances associated with degenerative conditions will also be detected. In addition, you will receive an overall picture of how you have been living, eating, and thinking over the past 120 days. Nutrition & supplemental protocol is used as medicine to restore your blood to a healthy condition by removing the excess acid and toxins.
By observing or monitoring metabolic function or dysfunction, live and dry blood testing removes the guesswork from diet determination and the selection of appropriate foods, dinks, and exercise.
*Live and dry blood cell analysis is used for nutritional purposes only.
This test is not used to treat or diagnose any diseases or illnesses. Please refer to your healthcare professional.


Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials - food - required by organisms and cells to stay alive. 

Nutrition focuses on how diseases, conditions and problems can be prevented, lessened or reversed with a healthy nutritional protocol.

Over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to sickness and disease!
The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue.

By incorporating healthy food choices and eventually eliminating majority of acidic foods will change your energy level, thinking, and the way you feel.

Take baby steps or dive right into a healthier nutritional protocol. 
Healthy blood, Healthy body!

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